Friday, December 21, 2018

Health Management Bulletin: December 2018

Welcome to the latest overview of key papers and publications from the past month that impact on the NHS and healthcare service delivery.
Please click on the title of the articles below and enter your OpenAthens username and password  to download the full text or contact the library at to request the full text.

Abstract: Looks at the key challenges faced by executive leaders across the NHS and makes recommendations on how best to support NHS leaders.
Source: Department of Health and Social Care; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Suzie Bailey gives her response to Matt Hancock’s comments on the right leadership culture in the NHS.
Source: Health Service Journal; December 2018

Abstract: Report prepared for the NHS Leadership Academy. This Future of Care paper (no 9), aimed at chief executives, directors and senior managers from the NHS, local authorities, housing organisations and voluntary and community sector, is based on findings from interviews with systems leaders and a review of the literature.
Source: Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE); 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This report sets out the findings of a review carried out by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) and commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)... This followed a speech by the Secretary of State in November 2016 that broadly asked the question: how can we increase the numbers of clinical professionals taking up the most senior leadership roles in the NHS? Leading on from this... whether professional regulation is a factor in this area.
Source: Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: In this article, we'll explore how you can use Hofstede's Six Dimensions of Culture to work effectively with people from a range of cultural and geographic backgrounds.
Source: Mind Tools; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: When you're working in an international environment, you need to make a real effort to understand the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and attitudes of the people around you. If you don't, you'll struggle to get things done. It's very possible to develop cultural intelligence. In this article, we'll look at what it is, and we'll see how to build it.
Source: Mind Tools; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This report calls on the government and NHS leaders to 'realise urgently' the potential of ambulatory emergency care. It warns that the NHS is 'on borrowed time' as winter approaches but says better use of same-day emergency clinics could save at least 14,000 overnight hospital stays.
Source: Society for Acute Medicine; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: In advance of the publication of the NHS long-term plan, this briefing highlights the scale of workforce challenges now facing the health service and the threat this poses to the delivery and quality of care over the next ten years. It sets out the reasons why the long-term plan and supporting workforce strategy must address the urgent and mounting challenges facing the health care workforce.
Source: Nuffield Trust; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This paper is a guide for all leaders interested in understanding the underlying psychology of change and leveraging its power to impact quality improvement efforts. It presents a framework and set of methods for the psychology of change – five interrelated domains of practice that organisations can use to advance and sustain improvement: unleash intrinsic motivation, co-design people-driven change, co-produce in authentic relationship, distribute power, and adapt in action. Free registration is required to access the document.
Source: Institute of Healthcare Improvement; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Multiple clinical commissioning groups have raised concerns that patients will start stockpiling medicines and costs will rise if a Brexit deal is not confirmed soon.
Source: Health Service Journal; December 2018

Abstract: Phil Burke offers tips to successfully deploy electronic patient record systems in a cost effective manner.
Source: Health Service Journal; December 2018

Abstract: This report argues that a new approach to outpatient care is needed if it is to meet growing demand and reduce disruption to patients’ lives. It describes the current ‘one-size-fits-all’ model as no longer fit for purpose and recommends replacing it with a person-centred approach that recognises that people have varying health needs, personal pressures and abilities to self-care or self-manage.
Source: Royal College of Physicians, 2018 [Freely available online]