Monday, June 1, 2020

Health Management Bulletin: Spring 2020

Welcome to the latest overview of key papers and publications from the past quarter that impact on the NHS and healthcare service delivery.

Please click on the title of the articles below and enter your OpenAthens username and password to download the full text or contact the library at to request the full text.

Abstract: At a time when things are moving and changing fast, we just want to make sure you’ve got some useful and practical information when you need it. However, we think too much information can sometimes be as bad as too little, so we’ll keep this page focused.
In terms of workplace wellbeing, the coronavirus situation presents a few different things to think about, and we’ve chosen resources that can help with each of them.
Source: Mental Health at Work; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Study of 391 COVID-19 cases found that contact tracing reduced time to isolation after symptom development by 1.9 days from an average of 4.6 days via symptomatic surveillance alone. However, authors highlight that the overall impact of contact tracing is uncertain.
Source: The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: WHO is gathering the latest international multilingual scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19. The global literature cited in the WHO COVID-19 database is updated daily (Monday through Friday) from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles. This database represents a comprehensive multilingual source of current literature on the topic. While it may not be exhaustive, new research is added regularly.
Source: World Health Organization (WHO); 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: "People from ethnic minority backgrounds constitute 14 per cent of the population but, according to a recent study, account for 34 per cent of critically ill Covid-19 patients and a similar percentage of all Covid-19 cases. These patterns are not unique to the UK – in Chicago, black people constitute 30 per cent of the population but account for 72 per cent of deaths from the virus..."
Source: The King's Fund; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: BMJ Best Practice update. Over 3.6 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported globally, with over 1.2 million cases recovered so far, and approximately 257,000 deaths. What's new in today's update: Primary prevention - Updated guidance on shielding extremely vulnerable people. Prognosis - New data on increased risk of mortality in Black, Asian, and minority ethnic groups. Complications - New management guidance for paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome.
Source: BMJ Best Practice; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This report is one of the first studies to describe the characteristics and predictors of outcomes for hospitalised Covid-19 patients in the United Kingdom. It finds that older age, male sex and admission hypoxia, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, hypoalbuminaemia and raised bilirubin are associated with increased odds of death. Minority ethnic groups were over-represented in the cohort and, compared to white people, people of black ethnicity may be at increased odds of mortality.
Source: Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Testing for covid-19 enables infected individuals to be identified and isolated to reduce spread,4 allows contact tracing for exposed individuals,5 and provides knowledge of regional and national rates of infection to inform public health interventions. However, questions remain on how to apply test results to make optimal decisions about individual patients.
Source: BMJ 2020; 369: m1808 [Available with an NHS OpenAthens password for eligible users] 

Abstract: It is politicians who have to decide when to release the lockdown, and how to do this. In the case of Covid-19, one has to compare the economic benefits of releasing the lockdown with the social and psychological benefits, and then compare the total of these with the increase in deaths that would result from an early exit. This paper proposes a way of doing this more systematically.
Source: Institute of Labor Economics; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: The UK’s four-nation lockdown exit strategy could create confusion amongst the public and lead to non-compliance of guidance and rules if not communicated transparently. This report says there may be legitimate reasons – such as evidence that the coronavirus risk has fallen more in certain parts of the UK – for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to move at different speeds in lifting the lockdown.
Source: Institute for Government; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Masks and testing are necessary to combat asymptomatic spread in aerosols and droplets.
Source: Science; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This article sets out some of the key points emerging from recent research on COVID-19 and health inequalities. It reviews the evidence that black and minority ethnic communities are at greater risk of catching and dying from the virus. It also considers the reasons why these groups are at greater risk.
Source: Mental Health Foundation (MHF); 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This document gives advice on:
1. Simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace
2. How to manage COVID-19 risks when organizing meetings &events
3. Things to consider when you and your employees travel
4. Getting your workplace ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community
Source: World Health Organization (WHO); 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This discussion paper provides information on the strong age pattern in the risk of death from three countries (China, Italy, and the UK). Its authors believe that if politicians want an imminent removal of the lockdown, the safest approach would be a rolling age-release strategy combined with the current principle of social distancing. But even if that is not the policy adopted, citizens need to be shown graphs of the kind in this paper.
Source: Institute of Labor Economics; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: A retrospective cohort study of patients hospitalized with Covid-19 (n=3626). 76.9% of the patients hospitalized were black. Black race, age, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, residence in a low-income area, and obesity were associated with increased odds of admission. Of the 326 patients who died from Covid-19, 70.6% were black. However black race was not independently associated with higher mortality (hazard ratio for death vs. white race, 0.89; 95% confidence interval, 0.68 to 1.17).
Source: New England Journal of Medicine; 2020 [Freely available online]

Abstract: HSE have produced guidance to help work safely (be COVID-secure) and manage the risk associated for employers at this time. The guidance includes practical measures you can take, for example putting in place social distancing measures, staggering shifts, providing additional handwashing facilities and how to talk with workers to help them stay safe.
Source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE); 2020 [Freely available online]