Friday, April 5, 2019

Health Management Bulletin: April 2019

Welcome to the latest overview of key papers and publications from the past month that impact on the NHS and healthcare service delivery.

Please click on the title of the articles below and enter your OpenAthens username and password  to download the full text or contact the library at to request the full text.

Abstract: The Topol Review, led by cardiologist, geneticist, and digital medicine researcher Dr Eric Topol and produced by HEE, explores how to prepare the healthcare workforce, through education and training, to deliver the digital future. The Review is now published and makes recommendations to enable NHS staff to make the most of innovative technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics to improve services. 
Source: Health Education England (HEE); 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Access practical advice and guidance on the employment law issues that might arise when staff works across different NHS organisations.
Source: NHS Employers; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This article shows you how to create an inspiring vision of the future for your people, and teaches you to build and coach a highly motivated, effective team.
Source: Mind Tools; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This report focuses on gender equality in the workplace, reviewing policies, programmes, and indicators of power and privilege across 198 global organisations active in health. It aims to provide an in-depth look at gender equality within the workplace across four dimensions: commitment, evidence-informed policy content, equitable outcomes in power and pay, and gender-responsive programming.
Source: Global Health 50/50; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: NIHR Signal. Regular participation in structured organisation-wide forums, known as Schwartz Center Rounds®, helps support healthcare staff. The forums are linked with increased empathy and compassion for colleagues and patients, and they facilitate practice change. Levels of poor psychological well-being decrease in forum attendees compared with non-attendees. This NIHR-funded evaluation is the first mixed-methods, large-scale evaluation of the forums in England.
Source: NIHR Dissemination Centre; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: In this report, the Health & Care Women Leaders Network, delivered by NHS Confederation and NHS Employers, explores some of the important actions and behaviours men can take to support the development of female leaders in the NHS. The report was compiled following conversations with a number of male senior leaders who shared their views on the barriers facing women getting to leadership roles in the NHS and how those can be overcome.
Source: NHS Employers; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: In this article and video, we'll highlight some of the common approaches to leadership that you can use. We'll also look at some specific styles of leadership, and we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Source: Mind Tools; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: In this article, we'll explore what transformational leadership is, and we'll outline how you can become a transformational leader.
Source: Mind Tools; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Staffing is the make-or-break issue for the NHS in England. In this joint report with the Nuffield Trust and the Health Foundation, we set out the policy actions that need to be at the heart of the workforce implementation plan due to be published later this year.
Source: The King’s Fund; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Based on data from every UK cancer hospital, this report reveals: one in six UK cancer centres now operates with fewer clinical oncology consultants than five years ago; vacancies for clinical oncology posts are now double what they were in 2013 – with more than half of vacant posts empty for a year or more; the UK’s clinical oncology workforce is currently 18 per cent understaffed – without investment the shortfall is predicted to grow to at least 22 per cent by 2023; and to close the gap between supply and demand for cancer doctors, oncology trainee numbers need to at least double and even with that investment, the gap would not be closed until 2029.
Source: Royal College of Radiologists; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This review identifies three broad categories of work completed by the wider public health workforce: leading and advocating for health; influencing the wider determinants of health; and direct contact with individuals and communities. It reports on progress to date to engage and develop the wider public health workforce across a range of sectors: health care; social care; emergency services; voluntary, community and social enterprise; education; employment; criminal justice; housing; and planning.
Source: Public Health England; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: The latest NHS staff survey shows a decline in overall levels of wellbeing and an increase in the numbers of staff reporting discrimination.   
Source: NHS Survey Co-ordination Centre; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: The phrase ‘postcode lottery’ has become a byword for differences in access to NHS treatment according to where a patient lives.  However, this should not be the case. There are four key approaches that could help create a more harmonised approach to healthcare and a more coherent experience that focuses on patients’ needs.
      Source: British Journal of Healthcare Management 2019; 25(3): 110-111

Health Management Bulletin: February 2019

Welcome to the latest overview of key papers and publications from the past month that impact on the NHS and healthcare service delivery.
Please click on the title of the articles below and enter your OpenAthens username and password  to download the full text or contact the library at to request the full text.

Abstract: Eight out of ten NHS trust finance directors say that funding pressures have led to longer waiting times for people who need mental health treatment, finds our latest quarterly monitoring report. This report once more shows that patients are waiting too long for care, and NHS trusts and CCGs remain under tremendous financial pressure. Midway through 2018/19 we are seeing waits for routine and emergency care that have not been seen for a decade, and half of NHS providers are forecasting a financial deficit.
Source: The King’s Fund; December 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: Professor Dame Sally Davies's 10th report as Chief Medical Officer considers what the state of the public’s health in England in 2040 could look like. The report discusses: health as the nation’s primary asset; the health environment we live in and build together; using emerging technologies to improve health for everyone; effective planning for the future. It concludes that there are reasons to be optimistic but that greater effort to improve the health environment is required.
Source: Department of Health and Social Care; 2018

Abstract: This guidance developed and agreed with NHS England and NHS Improvement, will support the health and care system in England to be prepared for a no-deal scenario. It summarises the areas that the Department of Health and Social Care is focusing on in its no-deal exit contingency planning and those in which local action is required. Further operational guidance will be provided to support the health and care system to prepare for the UK leaving the EU before 29 March 2019.
Source: Department of Health and Social Care; December 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This briefing reveals that patient demand is strongly outstripping the supply of doctors as the usual seasonal increase combined with a rise in children’s emergency admissions is placing unprecedented demand on services. It highlights some of the key findings from the College's workforce census 2017 and provides recommendations for the future of the paediatric and child health workforce.
Source: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; 2018 [Freely available online]

Abstract: The plan focuses on improving services outside hospitals and moving towards more joined-up, preventive and personalised care for patients and on the ambition to establish integrated care systems in every part of the country by 2021. It includes measures to: improve out-of-hospital care, supporting primary medical and community health services; ensure all children get the best start in life by continuing to improve maternity safety; support older people through more personalised care and stronger community and primary care services; make digital health services a mainstream part of the NHS. In addition, this plan includes measures to prevent 150,000 heart attacks, strokes and cases of dementia over the next 10 years and to provide better access to mental health services for adults and children.
Source: NHS England; January 2019

Abstract: On 7 January 2019, the NHS long-term plan (formerly known as the ten-year plan) was published, setting out key ambitions for the service over the next ten years. This explainer sets out the main commitments in the plan and provides a view of what they might mean, highlighting the opportunities and challenges for the health and care system as it moves to put the plan into practice.
Source: The King’s Fund; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This briefing looks at a range of approaches that organisations can take to sustain staff engagement. The guide outlines a core set of approaches that have been shown to be effective in resolving engagement issues. It contains links to resources and case studies looking at how NHS organisations have put ideas into practice.
Source: NHS Employers; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This case study describes how Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust used rota redesign to make improvements around the delivery of education and training within core medical training (CMT). The trust engaged with its junior doctors in order to understand what was needed to accommodate the new three-year curriculum requirements that have replaced the current two-year CMT programme.
Source: NHS Employers; January 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This report concludes that the existence of substantial deficits in some parts of the system, offset by surpluses elsewhere coupled with growing waiting lists and year-on-year increases in waiting times, does not paint a picture that is sustainable. It also outlines the risk that extra funding will not be used effectively due to staff shortages as more money may be used to pay agency staff or will go unspent as health care providers may not be able to recruit the staff to deliver additional activity.
Source: National Audit Office; 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: This study synthesised knowledge of interventions to introduce collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings. Whilst collectivistic leadership interventions have demonstrated positive outcomes, there is a need for more rigor and consistency in the evaluation of interventions aimed at developing collectivistic leadership approaches in health settings.
Source: De BrĂșn et al. BMC Health Services Research 2019; 19: 72 [Open access]

Abstract: A collection of resources to help your organisation develop a staff retention strategy.
Source: NHS Improvement; 2019

Abstract: This document outlines the ambitions set by NHS England and NHS Improvement and reflected in the Long Term Plan, for each NHS organisation to set its own target for BME representation across its leadership team and broader workforce. The strategy will provide accelerated, intensive support to local NHS organisations on increasing the recruitment of BME staff at senior levels.
Source: NHS England; 2019

Abstract: There isn’t one simple solution or initiative that has been shown to be effective in resolving all engagement issues, but there are a core set of approaches that have had positive impacts, briefly outlined in this guide, in organisations where they have been implemented effectively. The guide links to resources and case studies looking at how NHS organisations have put ideas into practice.
Source: NHS Employers, 2019 [Freely available online]

Abstract: The Care Quality Commission has been forced to abandon its local system review programme after the Department of Health and Social Care ignored a request for approval to continue.
Source: Health Service Journal; 1 February 2019

Abstract: NHS England will conduct a “rolling tour” of NHS providers to ensure everyone is “geared up” for a possible no-deal Brexit. 
Source: Health Service Journal; 31 January 2019

Abstract: Andy Cowper on Matt Hancock’s push to create NHSX, a new digital unit in government.
      Source: Health Service Journal; 28 January 2019